something cannot come from nothing

My father who is a mechanical engineer seems to think that something cannot come from nothing but I think that he is wrong because my father evidently never heard of virtual particles and quantum field theory. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. And it's no joke and it is a community like people. If there was truly nothing, we didn't exist and neither did logic, or rules or laws. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Asked by: Rob Answer The law you cite, applies only to 'closed systems', i.e. Therefore, our first choice is answered. Image Credit: Chaoss/Shutterstock. OR. The second is illogical and there is no third. Is that entity the Universe or the Creator, is a different topic and a different question. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. Every time she looks over her shoulder, she sees someone duck behind an object to avoid being seen. We create different worlds using different vocabularies, even Non-existent things simply cant bring themselves into existence all on their own. where nothing can be added or subtracted from the 'specimen'. 2 Kings 6:1324 (A famine caused people to be desperate for food). Language therefore is far from an objective medium that simply reflects the way the world is. The origins of the cosmological argument come from Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle. If it were possible, we would observe it, because there's 60 reviews of Fountains at Palmdale "I have lived at the Fountain at Palmdale Apartment complex for three years now. All attempts to do this remain highly speculative. Yeah. C. Therefore, if a quantum fluctuation occurs, then it is something not nothing. NO QUESTION is more sublime than why there is a Universe: why there is anything rather than nothing, philosopher Derek But in return for that, remember that He gives all. We will all, presumably, die one day. The wristwatch that I wear on my left arm did not just happen all by itself, someone had to build it. The argument is an posteriori argument, and the conclusion is not claimed to follow with certainty. Given the First Law of Thermodynamics: that you can't get something from nothing. And how we understand death will dramatically change how we face it. Prayer isnt a place for us to be good or right. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. We create different worlds using different vocabularies, even though we are Troy (aka Youtube user Parture) from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) tries to prove the existence of God with the argument that something cannot come from nothing, as popularized by Christian apologists like William Lane Craig. Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Et Cetera, Jul 14, 2009. Et Cetera thread killa. Second, they have to distinguish if they mean Scientific Nothing (which is still very much something, read Lawrence Krauss if you dont believe me), or Philosophical Nothing (the absence of existence). Thich Nhat Hanh and 80 monks and nuns began the public talk with a ceremony to send the energy of peace and compassion to all those who were suffering from the events of September those who had passed away and those who were presently struggling In fact, what exactly do you mean by nothing, how would you define that? Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. Language is the main tool we have to communicate to others our view of reality. It doesn't. Claim: Something cannot come from nothing and your evidence for this is what? 7. By Joshua Howgego. Yeah. Something cannot come from nothing and yet, it is at least logically possibly that something does not come from anything. 3. a non-intelligent thing) C) Nothing, (i.e. We choose our words carefully to convey our perspective. Dr. John Lennox ( Professor in Mathematics at Oxford University) responds to this assertion that the universe can and will create itself from nothing with; That sounds to me like something out of Alice in Wonderland its not science! From nothing, nothing comes! or No-thing cannot do anything. Here too, I would like to mention that we are victims of the throwaway culture, Pope Francis said. A cloud cannot come from nothing, so before being a cloud, it must have been something else: water in the ocean, heat from the sun, et cetera. 4. What were the arguments that ancient philosophers gave for the principle ex nihilo nihilo fit? Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Et Cetera, Jul 14, 2009. The Lord does not care about the amount of money that we consecrate. Let Y=Something, Let T=Time. It will be over 30 days. The philosophical concept of nothing is related to the scientific notion of nothing, in that most scientists agree that since the universe exists, it had to have come from something. Therefore, when this something (as a whole) cannot come from nothing, then something must have always existed and cannot have a beginning. Its impossible for something to come from nothing. Marchesk. Wavefunctions describe something, not nothing. Language is the main tool we have to communicate to others our view of reality. Piling up massive peacetime deficits is something we havent done before. Display results as threads Display results as threads But how we die, is at least somewhat, up to us. A cloud cannot come from nothing, so before being a cloud, it must have been something else: water in the ocean, heat from the sun, et cetera. Something Cannot Come From Nothing and Be So Perfectly Fine Tuned. Why is it illogical for something to come from nothing? Many scientists assume that the universe came from nothing, which is an idea that can only be true in light of quantum theory. Display results as threads Nothingness " is a philosophical term for the general state of nonexistence, sometimes reified as a domain or dimension into which things pass when they cease to exist or out of which they may come to exist, e.g., in some cultures God is understood to have created the Often this is just a colloquial formulation of the conservation of energy, however, it is also used as some sort of metaphysical intuition as a defense of certain premises in logical arguments regarding beginnings. Comments for Something Can't Come from Nothing. We don't observe that, therefore it's impossible. If that's the case, there has never been, in the entire history of time, a "nothing" for something to come out of. These two things are contradictory, yet they are the direct result of nothing. The axiomatic principle of cause and effect states that something cannot come from nothing, that every effect must have an adequate cause. 4.5k. 1. The quote appears in Act I, Scene 1, line 99. Possibility A gives us the same situation as that described by standard (no quantum mechanics) Big Bang theory: a universe which exists at every instant of time and hence does not come from a prior state of nothingness. Joined: Mar 4, 2009 Messages: 648 Likes Received: 692 #1 Et Cetera, Jul 14, 2009. That much is certain. 2 Kings 9 (Jezebel dies). I need to unlock my green dot wall let MASTER card. Therefore, our first choice is answered. Claim: every cause has a cause but you then go on to claim that there is a first cause that has no cause. Our Universe is made of matter (rather than antimatter), obeys the same laws of physics everywhere and at all times, and began at least, as we know it with a hot Big Bang some 13.8 billion years ago. Your client will be come with green dot in server machine. Something cannot come from nothing. So we come with this baggage that is just like, yeah. Something From Nothing. Therefor, logic dictates that something can't come from nothing, since "nothing" is impossible to exist. Some of us tell our children on a regular basis not to worry, because monsters do not appear underneath beds. It isnt a place for us to perform or prove our worth. Possibility B gives us a universe extending back infinitely in time. If something cannot come from nothing then where did God come from? We know that money doesnt just appear. Something From Nothing. John thinks that since something cannot come from nothing and since we know there was a Big Bang, an all-powerful but invisible and undetectable being must have been the cause of the Big Bang. That is not the measurement but He does ask for allall their heart, all their might, all their mind, all their strength, all their soul. This debate forum is not aligned Et Cetera thread killa. Neither do babies in our arms, or education in our minds. First, there is the issue that they must prove that something cannot come from nothing. The argument that "something cannot come from nothing" is either the first or last claim that a person will use to support theism. Thomas' Argument from Necessity begins with a number of empirical observations including the premise that contingent objects in the world come into existence and pass away. And it's, it's so different from. Answer (1 of 171): First of all, I take issue with the phrasing "how do you deal with argument X". So that moment we call birth is not a true beginning; the cloud has not come from nothingness into being. Nothing as only a concept (that is, it exists only in a mind). 45:08- Membership Mindset Vs. Consecration Approach. In his presentation, Msgr. Its a place for us to be honest, present, and knowna place for us to offer ourselves and receive God. Next, Descartes appeals to an innate logical principle: something cannot come from nothing. The axiomatic principle of cause and effect states that something cannot come from nothing, that every effect must have an adequate cause. I've heard the creationist arguement that something cannot come from nothing. If you ask when something is going to be repaired they lie to you and tell you soon when they have no intention of repairing it. Now, there are various possible responses to this, and I've engaged in a number of arguments here and elsewhere regarding this assertion. Some of them appeal to supernatural forces like a designer. A note about home projects during Coronavirus (COVID-19). Nothing as an actual ontological existent (that is, it actually exists outside of the mind and without a mind). That is so cool.It's so cool. Blood Pressure Is High Even With Medicine. A Dharma talk offered by Thich Nhat Hanh Berkeley Community Theater, Berkeley, California September 13, 2001. But that perspective is itself already shaped by the language we use. The wristwatch that I wear on my left arm did not just happen all by itself, someone had to build it. We will all, presumably, die one day.

something cannot come from nothing